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Xperia T - Razer Nabu X | Conflict wifi - bluetooth


Xperia T - Razer Nabu X | Conflict wifi - bluetooth

Hi, i'm here for a problem between my Xperia T and a Razer Nabu X. When i connect the Nabu X to the smartphone the bluetooth tun off my wifi connection. The wifi is still on but can't receive and had no internet anymore. If i turn off bluetooth wifi goes off too, even if i didn't do anything. Is there any tipe of relationship between this two functions? Is possible to do something to fix the problem? Thanks for answering.


Do you experience the same issue while on safe mode?

Hi, sorry if i answer only now but the sistem didn't send me an e-mail for notifications. Well, i dind't try but i went at university and, with them wifi, bot phone and Nabu X worked vert well. Wi-fi can stay on and so bluetooth so when i reached a message or an incoming call, nabu x started to thrill. So, i know that is not a sony problem but, if you know how it is possible on a normal wifi network could you please give me a hand to understand what's the problem and, may, how can i solve it? Thanks for all of your help and for your great kindness.