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Hi, i'm here for a problem between my Xperia T and a Razer Nabu X. When i connect the Nabu X to the smartphone the bluetooth tun off my wifi connection. The wifi is still on but can't receive and had no internet anymore. If i turn off bluetooth wifi goes off too, even if i didn't do anything. Is there any tipe of relationship between this two functions? Is possible to do something to fix the problem? Thanks for answering.
Hi, sorry if i answer only now but the sistem didn't send me an e-mail for notifications. Well, i dind't try but i went at university and, with them wifi, bot phone and Nabu X worked vert well. Wi-fi can stay on and so bluetooth so when i reached a message or an incoming call, nabu x started to thrill. So, i know that is not a sony problem but, if you know how it is possible on a normal wifi network could you please give me a hand to understand what's the problem and, may, how can i solve it? Thanks for all of your help and for your great kindness.