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Camera - xperia s - focusing problems and poor images

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Camera - xperia s - focusing problems and poor images

Firstly this phone is fantastic and I have already conmverted several friends from apple to sony.

Last night I though I would really test it out - went out with a few mates, each with different phones and every time the Nokia N8 took better pictures.

Honestly - my xperia took ages to focus and 5 out of 9 shots were very very poor. In direct comparision the N8 - once he had it set up, took photos faster and each one was in focus - non of this waiting while it figures out what its doing,.

In day light - mine wins no problem - in pubs and low light areas I found this phone to have major problems with focus, and tiime delay in pressing and actual capture of images --- dont get me wrong - I can take it out of my pocket - press the button and hey presto - a photo very very quick --but what is the point when its not in focus and then I have to try again, then again, by which time, my mates are laughing as they have unlocked their phone, aimed and took a good photo.

SONY -- please look into this --  is this my handset or systemic?

Looking at the response this is systemic - if this is a software issue then please sort it, if hardware - recall and replace.

For those of you with the problem - the best photos I can get are to disable face detection, scenes to OFF,,focus mode - have it on touch or infinity, metering centre. At least on these settings I get more than 1 out of 10 photos which I can use.


Message was edited by: batman1056

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You are abusing the forum, you can report my posts as many times as you please, they will be restored, and I will keep posting as it's my constitutional right and I will comply with the forum guidelines.


Should let us know wth is going on, if they are working on it OR not!


If you can do it, me too!

I agree on this, Sony should let us know if they are or not

1) working to improve the problems that some users are encountered


2) improve the overall quality of the camera app

but if the Developers hasn't said anything to Sony moderators, how are they (sony moderators) going to tell us something, Sony moderators already sent this issues to developers.

Not quite, if you or anyone is posting personal attacks, profanity or Spam it will be moderated not just because you posted something that reflects negative on Sony.

If you check this thread you can see that I'm not about defending Sony just because, I try to be as objective/unbias as possible, as you can see on the link bellow


Yes they sent it, but that was on March. We are now on August, thats 5 months. Thats just too long, they should at least let us know if we're going to get an update to fix the problems OR not, so that we know what we should with our xperias.


Hello everybody, I'm new to this forum, first message yay Slightly_smiling_Face

There are some serious issues with the device, yellow tints (only solved by changing the overall screen tint to be more yellowish) which are annoying but I can live with that, but the camera, oh my god I so regret having bought this device. The camera is what got me into buying it, but let's face it, something is very very wrong here.

Someone compared shots made by the Xperia P and Xperia S, and the results are stunning. The Xperia P took better, clearer shots with less noise and without that hell of a compression that is applied to Xperia S pictures. Video recording is broken as well, with the camera not being able to achieve a proper focusing in scene switches, the results are seconds of blurry footage with the sensor struggling to achieve a proper focus which sometimes cannot even achieve and thus we are forced to stop recording and having to begin the recording from the beginning.

I will not even get into comparing the camera against other devices' such as the iPhone 4s, One X(Even the One S can beat the crap outa the XPS) or Galaxy SIII, because the outcome can be very, very dramatic.

This is the first Sony Android device I have gotten myself into, and by the looks of it it will be the last one.

If Sony still decides to keep ignoring us at least they should have tried not to focus their marketing target into how cool the camera is, when it's clear it is seriously flawed. All the opinions I read were about how awesome the Exmor R lens was, how Samsung and Apple took advantage of it on their devices... And how it ended up in our devices which, let's face it, they are not cheap, and are supposedly Sony's high end flag ship to make things worse.

Opinions like mine should not be looked down, since these problems are well known all over the Xperia community, and taking care of your customer base is very important in such a crowded market where competition becomes stronger each day. This issues have to be addressed ASAP, and users like us are owed an apology for this huge mess.


Psyrgery, you're right!

Sony have to resolve this issues with the Xperia S camera!


I read some coments from sony support about investigation about camera issues in xperia S.

Is any result for now?

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With xperia S camera its not make rather break believe for Nokia now. I regret of not wasting more money to buy a S3. I went by the number 12mp and name Sony, to my utter dismay.