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Hi since the lollipop update (4g 16gb EE Z2 tablet) my tablet will hang after using it for a while. Has happened mainly when watching online videos or when waiting for a gif or html5 video to load. Has happened with dolphin browser, firefox and redditisfun app.
The tablet will show whatever I was trying to load but everything will become unresponsive. Home/back buttons don't respond, touch screen does nothing. Pressing powerbutton does nothing (I think the first time it might have gone black but not come back)
To fix I have to hold power + volume up for a few seconds to turn it off.
This never happened before the update.
Also I tried moving apps to sd card (as I thought lollipop added that) but they all say insuficient space (even though there is plenty)
Anything I can try?
it means that it's a third party app that is creating the issue, you will have to uninstall apps until you find the culprit
I just received an email saying there was another response, but there isn't one?
Anyway my tablet still crashes and it seems to be when viewing html5 videos or gifs. Everything else seems to behave correctly, demmanding games, hd videos etc all work fine but if I watch a few gifs or html5 videos then after some time the tablet will becone unresponsive and require a hard reset. I don't really want to have to do a factory restore as I'll lose data but I think I'm going to have to do that soon. I'll post back once done if that fixes the problem.
Keep us updated.