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Xperia Z1 charging interrupted


Xperia Z1 charging interrupted

Hai Xperians 

My Z1 was 1 year old. It perfromed well, I am in 4.4 now.

When connecting phone to wall socket charger, it shows charging and level increasing. After few minutes it stops charging and starts again. Then orange led flash, do charge and stops within second and repeated the same dranstically. This continues till the battery drained if unnoticed. 

It was charging slowly in USB connection through computer

Charger have no issues, i checked it with other phone.

After reading similar articles tried Power button + Vol Up for force shutdown. Conneted to wall socket charger and it was charging. I have checked few minutes interval, found no issues. After an hour when i noticed it stopped charging. Switched ON the phone found it was drained (LED turns red). Hopeless on the solution.

Please help me on this


Ok. Let us know if it works.