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my sony xperia SP phone is 6months old . sometimes it gets frozen but it gets switched off and on itself in a while but this time its just dead , when i call and cheack the ring tone is going but my phone is just dead .??? !!!
Sorry to hear this but you would need to either return your device to the place of purchase or contact Xperia care and have your device inspected
Hi monica_009,
Welcome to the community,
Although Thommo is likely right on this one, you could however try a software repair on the device, on the off chance that it is software.
1. Before you start you have to download the PC Companion software from PC Companion
and install it on your PC.
2. Once installed on your PC, double-click the PC Companion icon on your desktop to start the update.
Note! For some models you will be prompted to do a backup prior to the update and then restore.
3. Install and open PC Companion then select Support Zone.
4. Phone Software Update.
5. Start.
6. Repair Phone
7. Continue
8. Accept data removal
9. Next
10. Wait for prepare
11. Select Phone
12. Follow the connection steps