Share your experience!
One of our users within the company has some problems regarding the displaying of Czech characters like: „ ř č ě š“ etc.. He has set the keyboard and the phone language to Czech, and also Czech location.
Could you please help me out with a solution or with a step-by-step guide that will help us solving the problem?
Thank you in advance for your replies.
I wish you a succesful week.
Best regards,
Catalin Pascu
I do not speak the Czech language, but do you mean that these characters cannot be shown or written while sending a text message e.g?
If you mean that they do not appear when writing a text message, you need to long press at "R" for example to get the letter "ř". And if the word suggestion is activated (Settings > Language & input > Tools icon next to "Xperia Keyboard" > Word suggestions) you should get autocorrected and/or the correct word should be displayed while texting.
Dear Hampus,
Thank you for the advice. I will transmit this information to our end user and I will come back with some feedback.
Have a great day!
Catalin Pascu
Sounds good, keep us updated!