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Although it was originally working, the lockscreen widgets for the walkman app and spotify app no longer appear when music is playing. The clock widget is instead always shown, although there is a slight flicker when you first turn on the screen as if it is trying to switch to the music widget, and clearly there is a bug in the software.
Has anyone else experienced this?
First try restarting the phone if you haven't done that and see if it helps.
If a reboot doesn't help, go to Settings -> Apps -> All -> Lock screen -> Clear data and try again.
I have the same problem, tried clearing the lockscreen app data and the problem persists even after a reboot.
Anyone find a solution to this? I have uninstalled the Walkman app in the app list, then reinstalled the latest version of the app through the automatic updates. Still not able to control the walkman app or even see it on the lockscreen, even when music is actually playing.
Did you try to play with lock screen widgets (generally)? There are number of them, if everything failed you could try to manually add/remove widgets to the locks screen (you can do this by swiping the clock widget to the right, then [+] mark will appear so you can add more, or just tap&hold any of the widgets pretty much the same way like on the home screen to move them around or delete). Uninstall spotify first if you didn't already. Then play something on the walkman and go to the lockscreen where should be the Walkman widget and then try what I said.
You actually are the first one who have this problem so I guess it's not some common bug. If nothing else help, you can always do a SUS clean repair.. but I have no more ideas for now that could make you avoid it. Sorry