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Firstly this phone is fantastic and I have already conmverted several friends from apple to sony.
Last night I though I would really test it out - went out with a few mates, each with different phones and every time the Nokia N8 took better pictures.
Honestly - my xperia took ages to focus and 5 out of 9 shots were very very poor. In direct comparision the N8 - once he had it set up, took photos faster and each one was in focus - non of this waiting while it figures out what its doing,.
In day light - mine wins no problem - in pubs and low light areas I found this phone to have major problems with focus, and tiime delay in pressing and actual capture of images --- dont get me wrong - I can take it out of my pocket - press the button and hey presto - a photo very very quick --but what is the point when its not in focus and then I have to try again, then again, by which time, my mates are laughing as they have unlocked their phone, aimed and took a good photo.
SONY -- please look into this -- is this my handset or systemic?
Looking at the response this is systemic - if this is a software issue then please sort it, if hardware - recall and replace.
For those of you with the problem - the best photos I can get are to disable face detection, scenes to OFF,,focus mode - have it on touch or infinity, metering centre. At least on these settings I get more than 1 out of 10 photos which I can use.
Message was edited by: batman1056
I'm an owner of two of NXT series devices XPS and XPP and I have ended up having two devices plagued with unique and serious bugs, that is:
A. XPS Problem with camera and picture quality
B. XPP Problem with latest firmware causing network Issues and low battery life (I learned the same Issue of XPP is now fostering XPU thus the whole NXT series are plagued with problems)
I use XPP to take pictures, while I use XPS to surf web and generally to be online and available (Yeay!)
Let's hope Sony will Sort Camera Issue with a new firmware (Be Fast PRETTY PLEASE!)
Bearings wrote:
Just to let Xad know that Sony Chairman confirmed they did produce the whole camer module for Apple 4S and will most certainly do it for 5. A new camera with 13.1 MP is being touted (I think it is on LT28) that maybe build into iPhone 5.
Please share the Sony chairmans contact info so we can let him know how "great" the camera is, especially the "instant photo" feature on this camera, you only need to take 10 photos to finally capture an in-focus photos of your friends
I'm using ICS .452 and the problem definitely still exists. I doubt they even attempted to change anything.
Low light focus is faulty, 90% of photos in low light are out of focus!! even after ICS, check out the low light images (taken with 'flash') in TechRadar's review and both photos are out of photos, could be a sync thing between focus and flash not sure but definitely NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
did you used the shutter or touch the screen? have you tried other smartphones under the same conditions?
compared to my N8 (massive difference) not during daylight (both are great), but in low light the Xperia S is VERY poor, doesn't focus properly and pics are blurry. tried button and on screen.
REALLY worried that Sony dont reply or comment on a Sony Forum on an issue that is a problem to many many people, why not just do a software update???? and sort the issue out!!! Really thought Sony would put some effort into sorting this out!!
most smartphones compared to the N8 that it's a compact camera that happens to have smartphone add ons won't look as great, compare the sensor size, the camera lenss (Carl Zeiss lenses)
compare it with similar phones like the HTC one, one x, iphone 4S, samsung galaxy SIII
if you use the shutter half press it then press it all the way
It's not going to fix anything. Why do you keep telling people to do this and that when the problem isn't with the user, it's with the phone. And my comparisons have been to the iPhone 4s and even my old Samsung i8910, not actual dedicated cameras and dslrs.
I tried to record video footage indoors yesterday while it was still light out, late afternoon so slightly darker indoors and the camera simply could not focus and footage turned out horrible, can't see anything since it's mainly out of focus. Then later on again at night (indoors) with bright lights turned on, the camera on the phone struggled like heck to focus in on anything, it'd just stay out of focus for ages, then attempt to focus and then struggle again.
If you really want to see focus at it's worse, as mentioned by other users before me, try recording video indoors when it's not morning or maybe in a room that doesn't have fantastic natural lighting from the sun. It's so horrible to the point i know that footage will be so poor that at times i don't even attempt to use the camera because i know the result will be horrible in the specific environment i'm in.