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Sony X Compact Bluetooth connection calls with car stereo problem


Sony X Compact Bluetooth connection calls with car stereo problem


Basically my father bought a new phone 'Xperia X compact', well in a few weeks he noticed a problem with his bluetooth connection with his car stereo Ford 6000 CD (2006). The problem was that when he called or someone called him, he could only speak 20 seconds - 2 minutes, before the bluetooth disconnected, and was forced to speak with his phone using one hand while driving ( illegal ). Well first of all i thought it was the stereo which was causing the disconnection, but after trying with 4 different phones, this never occurred again ( We tried with 'Sony M2' , 2x different 'Huawei p9 lite' phones  and some phone called 'Prestige' ). I also tried several things that i read from the internet like running phone in 'safe mode' , Factory reseting the phone, Changing the wifi freaquency, turning the language to English etc, nothing helped. We even cleared bonded phones from the stereo and bonded the X Compact again.
So we went to the local sony repair place and they did a software reinstall or something which did not help. We gave them the phone again, this time giving a detailed description, they didn't do anything besides connecting the phone to the headphones for 1 hour. Also they refused to do anything else to this phone saying if we want help we should contact to Sony.
We also made a video which shows that when the call has lasted 1 minute and 21 seconds the car stereo says ''Unavailable'' and in the phone, bluetooth has disconnected from the stereo.
After the disconnection, if we waited about 20 seconds to 1 minute it reconnects and we can speak through car stereo again...
Can someone please give us some advice what should we do because the phone is only 2-3 weeks old and already having problems. Especially with calling which is the main point of the phone.. ( Also if possible i can send the video somewhere, it's 1 minute 27 seconds long and takes 128 MB of space. )


Did you ever fix the problem


No, I did not.

We had that phone refunded and bought another phone (not sony). Works fine with any other phone, just not with the sony x compact.


With Sony X Compact also works. Problem in Android 8.0 Oreo.

All the problems Bluetooth connection are due to Android 8.0 Oreo.

In Android version 7.1 these problems were not.


To be honest, I think it really has to do with a particular car Bluetooth system you have set up. I have not had any problems whatsoever with the X Compact and a Subaru Bluetooth system. In fact, the X Compact (with Oreo) has been far more reliable than the XZ1 Compact, for some reason.