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Roaming issue between 2 ap


Roaming issue between 2 ap


Android 8.0.0

Since my phone has been updated to 8.0.0, it can't manage my two wifi ap connections.

Thé Best ap is not automaticaly selected.

Before the update (7.x.x), that was working perfectly.

What should i do to improve this sad behaviour ?


First be sure that both have a different SSID.

If one is 5G and the other 2.4G then it will connect to 5G when you're nearby and to 2.4G when you're more distant.

If there are more questions: ask!



They have distinct ssid.

Tried your tip, no success.

Tried to change some of the settings of thé ap, no success.

That was working so fine before. I'd like to Know what changed about wifi settings with Android 8.0.0 Sony ?



it's possible that threshold for scanning and switching to another AP changed.

This is an excellent opportunity to copy pasta some wisdom from one and only Mr. Olsson from Concept days.Since it'a bit lengthy , TLDR is, Sony could possibly advise/provide current threshold in O, and if it changed from N and same SSIDs could help :

" the phone needs to scan to find the strongest router. The problem with scanning is that it consumes a lot of battery. Hence, we decide to scan for new networks (with same SSID) whenever you get a weaker signal than -75dbm. If we find a new router with at least 10dbm better signal level, which is -65 in this case, we will roam (transfer our connection to the new router).
So. I need to know if your signal level is worse than -75, in that case we might have a bug...
Can you please activate developer options menu, and then activate "Enable Wi-Fi Verbose Logging" in "Settings->Developer options". After that, tap in to Settings->Wi-Fi and you will  see more information regarding the connection. Please post a screen shot and take a bug report after you have been in this bad reception area for around 10-15 seconds."

Actually , consider that a teaser, here's a full post link, an interesting read .


OK, im going to read this. Thanks.

It sounds like they forgot that we usually don't only have a sony smartphone... But many devices... And if the other devices roaming don't work with two identical ssid ? I will tell.


This message is quite old to be about 8.0.0?


If you've read it, you found out that it is quite relevant, especially in this case. 

I hope someone from Sony read it too, and can provide up to date technicalities, as in, have thresholds changed or something similar that caused your issue.


Going back to basics on devices that work ok and the Xperia X on Oreo have you tried looking at the signals with wifi analyser to see the strength the various device reads?

Its too late to get deep but for me I would always look at what changed with Oreo and WIFI for now (as it's late here) does this explain what might have changed? Click here



Thanks for your answers.

Using thé same ssid does not work.

Even when one of the ap signal strenght is very very low, thé Phone does not switch to the other ap.

And yes the wifi option is checked.