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red light stays on


red light stays on

Yes I have used the search.  Yes I see several other posts that say that it is the proximity sensor / adaptive brightness sensor.  Yes I understand this -

My issue is this light wasn't there yesterday, last week, last month, the last 5 months I've owned this phone.  I refuse to believe that the only way a sensor on a phone in 2017 can work is by the emitter light being visible 24/7.

I also understand there are lots of massive Sony fans here willing to say it's just how it is, and should be.  But really?  How come my phones proximity sensors, and adaptive brightness both worked fine then all of a sudden they need a visible light.

Has anyone got a realistic answer to this, because there's something fishy about the "solutions" being offered.

Sorry for any hostile tone but I had a perfectly excellent working z series that was killed by a Sony update, and I had to pay an arm and a leg for this phone, now I'm starting to regret it as I've had repeated varying issues, and this just screams like a tiny red warning light (if you'll pardon the pun)

Thank you


And no it didn't help....


I have the same problem with my Sony Xperia xz premium 

When screen is on the proximity sensor is on