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Problems after updating to Android 8.0 oreo


Problems after updating to Android 8.0 oreo

I updated my sony Xperia X to Android 8.0 and after the update i am unable to open the camera app and my mobile does not recognise any wifi networks. i had to install third party camera apps to take photos. When i open the system camera app, it shows a tutorial and the turorial restarts even after clicking GOT IT. so i am unable to enter the camera. 

Please provide a solution to the same. 


@garthdammit have you tried using the phone without that particular SD card, or with a new one?

Sounds to me that one is gone with the wind, so it could quite possibly mess up entire user experience.


Yup.  SD card is out of the phone and still at 75% with sweet FA of actual storage used.  have barely any apps, no pics, vids, music etc.  Rather annoying


This does not work for 2 reasons. Firstly the issue is not resolved and secondly, you won't be able to restore your backup. It just doesn't work and Sony does not say why. They are unresponsive and really don't care about their customers 


No, all issues will be the same except you'll have to spend another week getting your phone how you want it except you can't because your screen no longer responding correctly, or is that just mine? I have no words to say how angry I am


I vividly can imagine how frustrated you're getting when nothing works.

However I must say, there is always a way out.

When you tried everything and nothing works it's time to contact support.

Tap on the support app or find it in settings and explain your problems.

When it's a hardware problem it will be resolved.

Really hope your device will be like new shortly.


Zdravím. Mě třeba po aktualizaci špatně reaguje klávesnice na psaní SMS. Úplně postranní klávesy nejdou moc dobře mačkat. Hlavně klávesy 0 P 1 Q. Musím psát tyto klávesy pretocenim displeje a v momentě kdy mám pretoceno tak zase nereaguje mezerník. Aktualizace fakt na výbornou.. 

Hello. I need to get the SMS keypad to react poorly after the update. The full side keys do not squeeze very well. Mainly 0 P 1 keys. Q. I have to type these keys by reversing the display, and at the moment I'm overtaken, the spacebar does not respond. Updating facts to excellent ..



Hi I try to enter in this link and it's not possible. It says that I don't have the privileges to use it, do you know where can I find a similar link to download it?


If you meant the link to software repair using Xperia Companion, here it is.

You can find a lot of useful guides on the community's FAQ page.