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Not getting Quick Charge on X Compact?


Not getting Quick Charge on X Compact?

I am using an X Compact with Android 7.0, build 34.2.A.0.311.

I tried quick charging it with an UCH12W charger from Sony and with a portable battery Anker PowerCore QC3.0. Tried with different cables, disabling Batery Care, no Stamina mode active.

Any app in the store that diplays/measure charge current shows 1500mA. A fix value. Like it is restricted somehow. Sometimes first values are above 1500mA (~1600-1700) but than slows down and settles at 1500mA. I am getting similar results with regular chargers... So I bought those quick chargers for nothing

It's not only about what apps reads or measures. It shows in real life. In 30 minutes, with the screen off, it charges from 25% to only 52%. 

What's your experience with this kind of issue?


Hi there, I am not sure what can be the issue on your end however I can tell you that my phone charge pretty quickly but haven't exactly measured "how fast" is the charge process. Later I'll check and let you know my findings... 

.. meanwhile if you want you may answer this: Is the device unexpectly warm/hot or is there an app that is keeping the cpu usage high?


Please measure your phone charging time. I mean, it is charging fast comparing to previous phones (that did not have QC), but not quite to the what it suppose in theory.

Answering your question, no, the device is not getting warm/hot. It stays cool.


I'm a bit surprised you say you're limited to 1,5A as from what I've tested, we have a 2A max input. Of the QC3.0, Sony only took the various level of charging but not the speed. It seems a bit logic in my opinion because of the communication of Sony about battery reliability.
However, I would have liked they said clearly: no you can't fully charge your phone in les than 1h30.

With a QC3.0 Aukey charger, I think I get around 60-70% in an hour from 10%-20% and the rest is clearly longer. As I've never need to charge my X compact in an hurry, I can't be sure.

Thx for the easy 2 days of battery.


Although I charge my phone every night I can say battery life is really stellar, from 50% to 90% is about 20 minutes, I can imagine that an entire charge from 0 to 100 may take less than one hour..

This surprises me. I have two X Compact phones but they surely not gonna fully charge in less than one hour. What type of charger do you use?


Meanwhile I have seen that there is another topic related to problems related to quick charge. I also read related commentaries on Amazon and XDA.

So my question to Sony stuff and to every owner of a Sony X compact is:

Did you experienced so far quick charging on this phone? Has it ever reached 70-80% in 30 minutes? Does it ever charge with more than 2500 mAh?


I have an Anker 5v/8A.

I will let my X compact to fully discharge then I'll benchmark a full charge.

Ok so, from 0% to 90% was about 50 minutes. Then the phone "protect" the battery and it take about 15 minutes to go from 90% to 100%.


@grininja wrote:

Did you experienced so far quick charging on this phone? Has it ever reached 70-80% in 30 minutes? Does it ever charge with more than 2500 mAh?

Sorry that you're having issues. I can confirm fast charging on my Xperia X Compact. I've never timed it, but I've got to 70% from about 25% easily under 30 min. I use an Xpower charger with QC 3.0.