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Not getting Quick Charge on X Compact?


Not getting Quick Charge on X Compact?

I am using an X Compact with Android 7.0, build 34.2.A.0.311.

I tried quick charging it with an UCH12W charger from Sony and with a portable battery Anker PowerCore QC3.0. Tried with different cables, disabling Batery Care, no Stamina mode active.

Any app in the store that diplays/measure charge current shows 1500mA. A fix value. Like it is restricted somehow. Sometimes first values are above 1500mA (~1600-1700) but than slows down and settles at 1500mA. I am getting similar results with regular chargers... So I bought those quick chargers for nothing

It's not only about what apps reads or measures. It shows in real life. In 30 minutes, with the screen off, it charges from 25% to only 52%. 

What's your experience with this kind of issue?
