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Mobile lock


Mobile lock

Me ha ocurrido dos veces en pocos días. 

Sin motivo aparente, me pide contraseña para desbloquear, que por supuesto no recuerdo porque nunca la he utilizado. 

Solución : reparar software y empezar de nuevo. 

Le ha ocurrido a alguien?  

It has happened twice in a few days.

For no apparent reason, he asks for a password to unlock, which of course I do not remember because I've never used it.

Solution: repair software and start over.

Has it happened to someone?



Yes indeed, it has.

I have discovered this habit.

It happens with my cash card as well as with my phone.

Cash card: I can pay with NFC

Phone: It happens after a reboot

You have to valid with pin code, NFC will not do

On phone fingerprint will not do, you have to valid with pin or pattern.


To the best of my knowledge,password has been set up, otherwise phone wouldn't ask for one.

If it's not remembered, well, it's a security feature.

That goes to asking password on reboot as well.

It does ask me once or twice a day for PIN/Password even without reboot, but if I recall correctly it has something to do with using third party launcher (using Nova) . I think there were reports mentioning that it does not happen if using Xperia Home. I could of course be completely wrong on this one, as this does not come ffrom first hand experience.