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Crazy light sensor after Android 8 update


Crazy light sensor after Android 8 update

Hello everyone!

Today I have update my Xperia X to Android 8. During the day I do not recognize particular problems, except something strange. Now in the night I am experiencing a big problem with light sensor, it is completely crazy, seems to be hysteresis-free: the lights goes down and up with just a very slightly change in ambient lights! The phone is not usable without deactive light adaptation.

Anyone have this issue? 


Pazzo no, ma da quando ho aggiornato ad Oreo, la luminosità adattiva fa capricci. Cambia intensità molto velveloceme e il display diventa chiaro e scuro alla minima variazione di luce, la tastiera mi crea grossi problemi, spero risolvano presto. 

Crazy no, but since I've upgraded to Oreo, adaptive brightness is capricious. Change intensity very velveloceme and the display becomes clear and dark at the slightest variation of light, the keyboard makes me big problems, I hope they solve soon.



Exactly what I mean, the phone cannot be used without turn off the adaptive brightness. At least if you do not want experiencing an epileptic crisis. What problems does the keyboard have? I use SwiftKey and I do not have any problems.

Sorry for the previous italian version.


Si su WhatsApp funziona la tastiera Swiftkey mentre scrivendo qui per il forum subentra la tastiera quella di base di Sony ed è quasi impossibile scrivere è starata e digita quello che vuole ma solo qui sul forum non riesco a capire il perché comunque l'ho provata su WhatsApp e sulla mail questo problema non me lo dà Ma ripeto perché entra in funzione la tastiera Swiftkey e non quella di base di Sony

Yes on WhatsApp works the keyboard Swiftkey while writing here for the forum takes over the keyboard from the base of Sony and it is almost impossible to write is starved and type what you want but only here on the forum I can not understand why I tried it on WhatsApp and on the mail this problem does not give it to me But I repeat it because the Swiftkey keyboard starts working and not the basic one of Sony.


I have same problem after updating to Oreo. Waiting for the fixing


I have the same problem and more like excessive heating of the phone even if I'm not using it and the battery does not last at all in half a day ends in 5% using it as it used to in Nougat that lasted me all day and with a 40 or 30 % battery still.


I have the same problem with you.  The Light sensor going crazy sometime bright and dim suddenly. Another problem is charging is bit slower than before update oreo. I hope sony will fix this problem in upcoming update.


Translation via Google Translate:

I contacted Sony support, I explained the problems, they replied to try with a hard reset and see if the problem is solved. I have not done it yet because I have to update my old backup first, then I'll try to reset, hopefully it will work.

Ho contattato diredirettam Sony, ho spiegato i problemi, mi hanno risposto di provare con un hard reset e vedere se il problema si risolve. Non ho ancora fatto perche devo prima aggiornare il mio vecchio backup, poi provero a fare il reset, speriamo funzioni.


I used Google Translate (multiple times) to find the meaning of your messages. Kindly post your future questions/feedbacks in English so we can assist you, this is an English based forum.



My phone model is xperia X. I have the same problem. It started after updating (34.4.A.0.364). Suddenly the screen light starts to flash.