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Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update


Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update

Hey, i got the Nougat update today and after updating my heart rate monitor device stopped working. It was working perfectly before and i have tested it on another smartphone, and it works on that, so the problem must have come from the new updated Android 7.0.

With bluetooth scanner i can detect the heart rate monitor, and the app that i use also sees it, but it just cannot connect to it, i have tried clearing cache, rebooting phone several times and also re-installed the app and also tried several other apps, it doesnt work on any of them, but works on a iphone, with same app.


The same problem with Sony SmartWatch 3. Doesn't connect over bluetooth. Smartwatch cleared and paired many times with no success. Only thing what I find that WiFi in the SmartWatch and Xperia X have to be switched on - in this reason both are in synchronised status.

Whilst I can connect to my car I find Bluetooth is turning itself off all the time (Nougat).  I'm talking about hours rather than minutes but I come to use the phone handsfree in the car and bluetooth has turned itself off which rather defeats the object of handsfree.  It also obviously affects my Android smartwatch.

Would something like IFTT be able to turn it off if it turned itself off?


march update 34.2.A.0.333 doesn't fix the problem ... smartwatches still not working


I can confirm, last update. 333 doesn't fix the SmartWatch connection problem.

I join the above said - the problems remained. Does not work with Smartwatch 3 and sometimes with srsx11, sbh20. Please take measures sooner, it's been too long... 😡

Still the bluetooth issue doesn't resolved. My SmartWatch 3 can't synchronised with Xperia X. With Huawei Nova (Android 6.0) all works perfectly. The same problem is with Geonaute ONmove 200 Smart bluetooth belt. Can't connect with Xperia X. With Huawei works perfectly.

How long time must we wait for Sony support??? 


I thought I was crazy as the heartbelt had worked for over a year. I even got a new belt from the manufacturer and now im reading its SONY's fault! 

my situation: only updated to nougat some weeks ago. 

i have two apps that can read the smart connect; endomondo and "sport gear tracker". both see the heartrate belt, but can not exchange data. 

so when are you going to resolvevthis, sony????


This is really annoying issue we are facing with the bluetooth here.

My SmartBand 2, Smarwatch 3 and SBH54 disconnects automatically and I have to manually turn on Bluetooth so to  get these connected again.

Some setting is automatically turning Off bluetooth and that is causing all the issues.

Please forward this to internal team so that they can fix the issue.



I installed Android 7.1.1 using Xperia Concept. In this beta version Smartwatch 3 and Geonaute belt works OK. Hope the same will be in stable final version.

@Yerry wrote:

Still the bluetooth issue doesn't resolved. My SmartWatch 3 can't synchronised with Xperia X. With Huawei Nova (Android 6.0) all works perfectly. The same problem is with Geonaute ONmove 200 Smart bluetooth belt. Can't connect with Xperia X. With Huawei works perfectly.

How long time must we wait for Sony support??? 


I did the same and installed Android 7.1.1 with Xperia Concept. My heart rate monitor works like a charm again. Problem solved.

Also, using this Android version I got rid of all the bloatware that was installed before. It's pretty much a naked Android now, which is really nice.

If anyone else tries this solution as well, make sure you do a backup of all your data, as this procedure wipes all your data and installs a new clean system.