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Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update


Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update

Hey, i got the Nougat update today and after updating my heart rate monitor device stopped working. It was working perfectly before and i have tested it on another smartphone, and it works on that, so the problem must have come from the new updated Android 7.0.

With bluetooth scanner i can detect the heart rate monitor, and the app that i use also sees it, but it just cannot connect to it, i have tried clearing cache, rebooting phone several times and also re-installed the app and also tried several other apps, it doesnt work on any of them, but works on a iphone, with same app.


Hi @AndreasN,

Welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear about this issue. Slightly_frowning_Face

Can you please test your phone in safe mode and see if the same issue occurs?


i cant run 3rd party apps in safe mode, and i cant pair the heart rate monitor without a 3rd party app so i cant really test if it works or not.



Do you have any other bluetooth devices you can test such as headphones or speakers?

To confirm, have you updated the app that the heart rate monitor uses after you updated the phone?


I used a bluetooth samsung smart-tv remote app and it worked just fine.

Yes i did re-download the app i used previously (worked before the update). Also i contacted the app developer and he tested his app on a LG V20 running Android 7.0 and it worked for him. Also tried 5-6 other apps, most were able to connect to the heart rate monitor but no heart rate was displayed on any of them.

Edit: just to clarify, the heart rate monitor ( Goji heart rate belt, GHRBELT15) has no real own app of its own, the maker says it should be compatible and work with all Bluetooth 4.0  / BLE heart rate apps, and it did before the Android 7.0 update on my phone.



I cannot think of any reason why this would be the case, unless there's something specific to the Xperia build of Android N that is not compatible with this accessory.

At this stage, the last thing I can suggest to try is to back up your phone and run a software repair using Xperia Companion, to reinstall Android on the device. This is just in case something went wrong or is missing from the update.


Im unable to reset my phone... i have downloaded Xperia Companion and when i try to repair software i get

"Error in fixing... Try again, contact sony if the problem percists. Errorcode: UEinstallation. WaitExit2"

not the exact error message, since i had to translate if from Finnish.

edit: I am doing full factory settings reset from the phone it self now, will update what happens after it is done.

Edit2: facotry reset didnt fix the problem, trying the Sony companion software fix again, found out my C: drive was out of space, thats why it failed the first time i think, anyway this time its been running for 20min without problems.



I've got exactly the same problem. I have a polar H7 heart rate monitor, which can't be paired with the Xperia X under Andoid 7.0.

I did a google search, and it seems to be a problem with bluetooth heart rate monitor devices and Android 7.0. It's an Android 7.0 bug. Other users that had a Nexus device could fix the problem with an update to Android 7.1.

Here's what I found:!topic/nexus/EgBjK6mutb0;context-place=forum/nexus

My question is: will Sony provide an Update to 7.1 for the Xperia X? If not, how can I reverse the Update and return to Android 6?




Ahaa, ok. Good to know, i was about to order a new Suunto sports tracker heart rate monitor, thinking it would work instead, but now im not so sure. If its a problems with the actual Sony Android 7.0, guess we'll have to wait and see if new update fixes it.


After Nougat update, today first time synced with fitness tracker, sync wen't well but after that the phone was terrible slow and freezed and finally crashed and restarted himself.