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Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update


Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update

Hey, i got the Nougat update today and after updating my heart rate monitor device stopped working. It was working perfectly before and i have tested it on another smartphone, and it works on that, so the problem must have come from the new updated Android 7.0.

With bluetooth scanner i can detect the heart rate monitor, and the app that i use also sees it, but it just cannot connect to it, i have tried clearing cache, rebooting phone several times and also re-installed the app and also tried several other apps, it doesnt work on any of them, but works on a iphone, with same app.


I have now done factory reset from phone and full reinstall with sony companion, neither fixed the problem. I once again tried the heart rate monitor on another phone and its working perfectly, just not on my phone... The problem has to be with Sony Android 7.0 update.



After update my Xperia X to android 7.0 and system update from last month  i have Bluetooth connection problems with my car kit the connection lost after a will. But also with my headphone MDR-XB650Bt. the function button won't work any more. The button play next song or play back a song and pause / play button don't work. The button is oke because i can pickup the phone call and close the call with the same button.

some one else have the same problem ???

Greetings Peter Sorry for my bad englisch im from Holland


I have a Bluetooth problem with Nougat update using Ford Sync. The system will no longer upload text messages to Ford Sync, thereby, not allowing them to be listened to by the driver. The phone system in the vehicle, which previously had a tick box to allow/ disallow  this, is now greyed out, and the system says the phone is in compatible. Prior to the update,  all was OK and worked well. Help! 


I have the same problem,Volvo V60 My2014 , Sensus Connect, I can connect the phone and contacts and they works like before, callinglist and SMS dont show nomore, cant connect MEDIA player nor share internet via bluetooth. Hope they will get a fix for all the BT issues ASAP.


After the nougat and systeem update i have probleems with.

A Bluetooth car kit connectie, after some minute i lost the connection

B my Sony Bluetooth headphone MDR-XB650bt, start / stop, rewind and forward button is not working any more when i play music.

C my battery is draining so fast now in 10 hour hi is below 20%

so please Sony tell use when you fix this probleems


I have the same problem. After update my phone doesn't connect with my car anymore. Bluetooth doesn't stay connected Slightly_frowning_Face

car connection problems were the other issue they reported in the Nexus forum:!topic/nexus/EgBjK6mutb0;context-place=forum/nexus

So, can someone from the support team kindly answer, how they will solve the issue with the Xperia X and Android Nougat?

Hi there,
I got the same problem using the Polar H7 with the Xperia X and Android 7.0
I can see the BT device, but the Xperia X won't connect, not via normal Bluetooth pairing in the settings nor via any app (Polar Beat, Runtstic, Endomondo).
I've already tried some things I've read somewhere else (several restarts, removing battery for 15 minutes from the polar H7, uninstalling Google play services updates, deleting whole cache), but nothing worked. My Teufel Move BT headphones work fine (volume control, play/pause and call answering) and also my Sony Smartwatch 3 works perfectly.
I've also read, that for Nexus users the update to Android 7.1.1 worked and Bluetooth connects again to all devices. Anyone tried to update the Xperia X to the 7.1.1 beta via sony concept installer? Maybe this can fix the problem?

Hope Sony is already looking into this problem,


I had the same problem with Xperia X (Nougat v.34.2.A.0.273), Polar H7 and Polar Beat app. Beat support says you must pair H7 inside the Beat app and not from phone's BT settings. Neither worked for me. Phones BT settings found H7 but couldn't pair. Beat app showed correct HR sensor under Settings but coudn't pair. I tried to restart phone into safe mode and that fixed the problem.

You get safe mode restart when press power button, then keep finger on Turn Off choice a little longer and Safe mode restart popup must be open, choose OK there.

When started in safe mode, go into Bluetooth settings and try to pair H7. I was succesful. When it's paired, restart phone normally.

Then open Polar Beat, Settings, HR Sensor, Pair and it started to work perfectly. Now when I want to use H7 with Polar Loop2, Just turn close Polar Beat app from phone, disconnect H7 from belt for 5 minutes and connect back to belt. If Loop2 was previously paired with H7, it starts showing heart rate. To get H7 back into Beat App, disconnect H7 from belt for 5 minutes, open Beat on phone, go to settings, HR sensor, connect H7 into belt and after few seconds Beat will show your heart rate.

I attached 2 pictures, first with H7 disconnected from belt and second when H7 connected to belt (wet belt, not even need to wear it). Take a look on H7 battery also, when connected it shows correct state.

If you want more information about the process, don't affraid to ask.

H7_not_connected.png    H7_connected.png


It's good to hear, that it's working for you now. I tried it the way you described it, but also in safe mode I was not able to connect to the Polar H7. I just checked my build number which is slightly different: 34.2.A.0.266. On my CDA (1303-2543) says, that the .273 is not yet available for my device. There are not much informations in the web about this update, but suggestions about some bug-fixes. Let's hope this involves this bluetooth issue.

I'm looking forward for the next update and will reply after I could test it. I hope it won't take so long.
