Share your experience!
Hi there,
My XZ1 tella me there is an android sony software update available, which I have downloaded (3 times now), when the update has finished I simply get the same update notification saying that there is an update available!
My update history shows that I've installed it 3 times!
Phone keeps wanting to schedule the same update again for a time during the night, which then resets my alarms!
Are you sure it's the exact same update? Doesn't your firmware build number change after each update process?
It does seem to in my update history, but I've still got the 'sony software update available' icon on the toolbar. I might just do a factory reset.
I had the same thing happen, 3 updates the same night in a row. All different.
I have the same problem. 3 updates in a row. Have you solved it?
Kind of.... I ended up doing a factory reset on my phone, which seems to have solved it! Not ideal, but I only got the phone a week ago so not too much to lose. I'll report back if issue comes back though!