XperiaXZ Performance and battery


XperiaXZ Performance and battery

I'm a Sony User since the Z1c and i think the XZ is the worst Xperia i've ever owned because of it's poor Batterylife and it's low Performance.

My Problem with the batterylife is the fact that on my 1,5 h trip to my University i drain about 35% of it's battery by just listening to music anD A SMALL amount of texting.

And for the Performance: it's laggy slow and god save me from the stamia mode, because in stamia mode even the keboard is lagging. And the worst is snapchat... every time i open it it just laggs.

and my friends with their Samsungs Huawais and iPhones don't have any of those Lagging Problems. Even my Old Xperia Z3c doesn't lag when opening snapchat or when operating in stamia mode. ( I don't use it anymore because it has't got enough space for me).

Why is that so? wasn't the XZ a Top of the Line Smartphone wich should Performe quite well with the typical Sony issues like a Verry hot back and the all mighty dustcollecting Speakers.


Sony PLS put the Headphonejack on the bottom of the phone. I've ruined about 8 Headphon cables by now with my Sony phones because i put them in my Pocket



Could you provide the following

follow the steps

  1. Charge the phone 100%
  2. use it as you normally would 
  3. once the battery has reached 10% 
    1. Settings 
    2. Battery
    3. take a screenshot of this 
    4. Menu 
    5. Consuming apps 
    6. Show all consuming apps
    7. take screenshots of the list
    8. tap on the top 5 items/apps on the list and take screenshots of each
    9. post them all here

The XZ was amazing when first released...on 6.0.1 Marshmallow. I expect that you're running Android 8.0 Oreo? That is why your phone is a lagmeister. It just wasn't designed to run Oreo and if the Nougat release was anything to go by, Sony is lousy at updating older phones. Bugs, bugs, bugs which either never get addressed or take ages for them to fix. If you want your phone to run like a speedy flagship, put 6.0.1 Marshmallow on it.