Share your experience!
Hello everyone!
I have recently updated to the Android Oreo on the Xperia XZ Premium and I have noticed I still have the old dialer / call screen.. I have been really excited when I've seen they have finally changed the dialer.. I seen it on XZ1 and XZ1 Compact but why haven't they brought it to the XZ Premium? Does anyone know?
Thanks in advance!
it LAGS. It's a fact.
It lags even on a totally new phone right out-of-the box after making 10-15 "dumb" calls.
it lags in any mode. In safe, unsafe and all other modes.
I'm scrolling my fat call log right now, as fast as I can, up and down, and I can see no lag at all. Maybe a minor lag on the first scroll when the phone loads the numbers for the first time and their corresponding names/avatars. Apart from that, it's buttery smooth.
I don't wanna even try this in safe mode because many people here has same issue. But yes, first scroll is lag horrible, then it's just not smooth enough, I see tearings.
Maybe all of the affected users have some app in common that contributes to this lag. But whatever, if you don't wanna investigate this then just follow this thread and maybe someone else gets some ideas.
Sure, but I only have common apps from play store (few massagers etc). I don't have any garbage on my phone, so I don't think it's just my problem. Even You accept that there is lag on first scroll, that is enough to confess xzp dialer needs further support and upgrade. This is the phone first of all, why we can't have smooth experience on such simple functionality.
Yes, it is lagging, and it used to lag since android 6, so looks like Sony doesn't care or cant't fix it.