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Uploading photos to Facebook - distorted


Uploading photos to Facebook - distorted

I am baffled by this problem.  I have had it ever since I bought the brand new Sony Xperia XZ and have not had this problem with any other phone.

Unless I upload photos to an album first or crop them so they are smaller any photos I upload to Facebook or to Facebook Messenger come out all distorted. It doesnt seem to happen on Whatsapp or any other application where you can upload photos (I dont use Instagram or Twitter) but it's driving me mad as I have to tinker with every photo I want to upload to Facebook to make it smaller.

I have tried adjusting the resolution but they are still pretty huge as standard at the lowest res (at least 2mb).

I cannot seem to find this problem anywhere on the internet - is it only me who has this problem?

I have tried updating the phone software and deleting and reinstalling facebook but to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Accepted Solutions

I have the same problem

it does not depend on the source of the picture, or the picture itself, or the Apps you are using.

There is something wrong with the SD-Card reader. I get this error especially with encrypted SD-Cards. 

The Sony repair center was not very helpful yet -> No errors found.

After that, i have written a not very positive feedback about the repair center. Some days later, a Sony employee called me and adviced me to send the phone back again, to replace it. But i had send it already to my reseller.

So maybe you need to communicate the problem in the right way. It makes no sense to open a RMA-Call with "corrupted Pictures" description. They will just quickcheck it and you will get the diagnosis that "everything is allright".

I cant say more yet, i am waitinig now ~2 Months for my replacement phone.

View solution in original post


what do you mean distorted? like blurred or low res?

since this is only happening on the facebook app, it might be a recent update incompatibilty,,  have you been in contact with the facebook app dev?


No, it's really hard to explain.. The pictures are either cut off on the top edges, sometimes in half and the half not showing the picture is sometimes pink or green. Sometimes the picture cuts in half and the image repeats itself in halves. It's very hard to explain and I can't seem to attach a screen shot on here? I haven't been in touch with Facebook, no.

I have Googled this problem many a time and found nothing on this particular subject unfortunately. However it could be that the xz is a new phone. Strange though as it doesn't do it if I upload the pictures into an album.

you need to use the desktop version or full version to be able to upload screenshots here,,

it may be a facebook app problem, I suggest you contact the devs first.


Do you have an SD card on your phone? It seems it's an issue with how the XZ handles data transfer from the SD Card. If you store pictures on your phone, then the issue "dissappears" but then it's a USD 700 phone and this is basically unacceptable.

Sony have not spoken on the issue despite a few questions from buyers. Most Internet posts I see, people say that most service centres "cannot replicate the issue" so they do not recognise it as an issue.

Its only a few handsets that have this issue so not sure if they will ever look it.


@Blade64@Tiff40.. can you guide me on how do you replicate this problem.. please include the steps and the apps you use, the quality and or resolution of the picture,. I'll try to see if I can do the same with my Xperia XZ.  thanks,


It's sort of difficult to replicate an issue that is existing. I noticed from day one after I purchased the unit - I always put in a Micro SD Card to get extra memory - that pictures would somehow distort and have strange colour hues. What is intresting is that the pictures themselves are quite ok and saved fine, but when they are rendered on the phone screen, and sometimes when being uploaded, that is when the issue crops up.

Sometimes the issue comes up when viewing images using the Sony Album App and a few images will appear with streaks of green or blue and then after a few seconds, clear up once again.

I noticed that album cover art would be distorted also when using my music player TIDAL as I store my files on the SD card as I have more space there.

As I mentioned, I think its a software issue as when you move the pictures to the Internal Storage, they look fine and no loss of detail can be noticed.

Somehow the XZ (for some units) does not like the SD card.

Hope this helps, happy to share more information.

I had sent a tweet to Sony but nothing so far 


I have the same problem

it does not depend on the source of the picture, or the picture itself, or the Apps you are using.

There is something wrong with the SD-Card reader. I get this error especially with encrypted SD-Cards. 

The Sony repair center was not very helpful yet -> No errors found.

After that, i have written a not very positive feedback about the repair center. Some days later, a Sony employee called me and adviced me to send the phone back again, to replace it. But i had send it already to my reseller.

So maybe you need to communicate the problem in the right way. It makes no sense to open a RMA-Call with "corrupted Pictures" description. They will just quickcheck it and you will get the diagnosis that "everything is allright".

I cant say more yet, i am waitinig now ~2 Months for my replacement phone.


Still no solution guys; or has this been solved?