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LENS Distortion at the corners after OREO Update


LENS Distortion at the corners after OREO Update

Hello, I updated my xz premium to the latest oreo software 47.1.A.3.254 - The distortion here is less noticeable especially with straight line photos - I can say its fixed - but when the photos dont have any straight lines - like pots, bottles or even faces - when those objects are near the corners of the photo they are getting really ugly stretched .. Im gonna attach images that can prove that. Actually a normal picture without angle stretching can not be made. I tried correcting the pincushion distortion that happens with the xz premium camera with android programs like skrwt but they are not correcting the problem nice .. I heard that there are some lens correction profiles  that can be aplied in photoshop but i can not find one for xz premium. I wonder why sony does not fix that once and for all , because its a software issue and its based on post proccessing algoritm


The first picture is when the object is in the center and the second one is when the object is in the corner. 


@Angel333 Its common for al devices !! All of them hav minimal rate of distortion depending on which device u use !! I hav z1 on 4.4, z4 on 7.1 , z5p on 6.0 ! All of these have same level of distortion with corners wen we take closer pics !! Persons , objects or whatever- u can witness the distortion clearly ! Use manual mode to minimise it Upside-down_Face

Take a read of that.

Also, I don't think Oreo update had anything to do with it, it's just you've never noticed it.


Is there a way to correct it thank you guys for the answers, I in the lens correction filter in Photoshop there is no lens profile for the xz premium or is there a simular lens correction profile for it -

 And pravi can you tell me how you are using manual mode for minimising the wide angle distortion because im usually using manual mode - thanks


Was really satisfied with the quality of the pictures on my phone. Really sharp, even when zooming. But then came Ore(android 😎 and messed it up, it seems. Tried hard reset, emptying data then hard reset, different camera apps, and so on. Distortion is still there. Took a look at pictures taken before oreo, just to verify, and they definitely are sharper. So I'm thinking firmware/software problem/issue.

Is there any upcoming updates that will take a look at this problem?