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Frontal APN reverses photos


Frontal APN reverses photos


I know that this topic is old as the Earth but it still exists. 

I just changed my phone. Sony Z3 to XZ premium. Youpi. Everything is perfect but there is only one thing annoying about it. The frontal camera. With the Z3 I had the choice between mirror effect or normal. In the XZ premium you are forced to choose the mirror one. I never had this issue before but its really annoying. A simple button in the camera parameters will make thousand of users happier. 

Therefore, does anyone have a simple solution to it?  (not counting the photo editors to invert the photo or new camera app) .

Thanks in advance Slightly_smiling_Face 


Accepted Solutions

@DumbMoskito front facing camera shows you mirrored image in the viewfinder, but the actual photo is taken in correct orientation, and there's a reason behind this. 

think about it: the human face isn't perfectly symmetrical, so the mirrored image is slightly different from the not mirrored one. and most of the time, we see our own faces in mirrors. so when the viewfinder shows you the mirrored preview, you see the image of yourself that you're used to. it also makes it easier to compose the photo properly, fix your hair, remove the speck of dust from your cheek, and so on.

however when you take the photo, you're likely to share it with other people, more often than not. and other people are used to the proper orientation of your face, not a mirrored image of it. so a mirrored image would look slightly weird to them - beauty marks on the wrong side of the forehead, fringe combed in the wrong direction, and so on. 

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@DumbMoskito front facing camera shows you mirrored image in the viewfinder, but the actual photo is taken in correct orientation, and there's a reason behind this. 

think about it: the human face isn't perfectly symmetrical, so the mirrored image is slightly different from the not mirrored one. and most of the time, we see our own faces in mirrors. so when the viewfinder shows you the mirrored preview, you see the image of yourself that you're used to. it also makes it easier to compose the photo properly, fix your hair, remove the speck of dust from your cheek, and so on.

however when you take the photo, you're likely to share it with other people, more often than not. and other people are used to the proper orientation of your face, not a mirrored image of it. so a mirrored image would look slightly weird to them - beauty marks on the wrong side of the forehead, fringe combed in the wrong direction, and so on. 


@najodleglejszy I do agree with you but like you said it at the end, its kind of weird. I just wish to have the choice between those two perspectives . But like the previous member that replied to my message, I I'd better send my suggestion to Sony, it'll be more useful. Thanks for the reply though!