Share your experience!
Here is my report for the Xperia SP.
I bought this phone there soon one and a half year.
It worked well for 1 year and then the phone start rowing completely!
I reinstalled the system via Sony compagnion: no change
I sent my phone to Sony: No change
Apps are shuting down all alone, even welcome !!
The battery lost its autonomy in less than a year even if I do full loads.
The system tells me that the RAM is consumed at 90% even when no applications are running.
This is the second phone in the Xperia range that causes me such troubles, I had the same situation with an Xperia Pro.
I find myself obliged to order a new phone because mine becomes unmanageable!
One thing is sure it will not be an Xperia I do not have 400 € to throw out the window!
Best Regards
Mickaël Lepetit
( my english is not perfect, i'm french )
What if you repair the phone with PCC > do NOT install any apps > use it like that for a day and see if you experience the same issue. if you don't then the problem are apps that are using up all the RAM
Bridge (for Mac)
Alternatives on How to backup Xperias
I tried it just after recovered my phone after sending him to Sony. the phone still rowing eveni f in the menus.
it does not explain why it was working well and then start row while I was using the same apllications.
I'm a bit confused, did you followed my advise?
Yes !
After get it back from sony, after they "repair" my phone, i used it without applications, but he was still rowing but no as much as before.
So i reinstall all the applications and 2 months later, he was slower again, just like before the repair.