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i'm trying to unlock the boot loader of my xperia z3, i'm following the instructions on sony's site but i'm stuck: i connect the phone to the pc in fastboot mode (blue light on), then i open the command prompt window in the platform-tools folder of android sdk, but when i type fastboot devices nothing happens. If i try to enter my unlock code i get "waiting for device" forever.
Any help?
Are you aware of the consequences of unlocking the bootloader?
I recommend that you check that you have installed the fastboot driver. You can download it from here:
And as uliwooly says, make sure that you have read the information on and that you are aware of the risks.
i have read all the documents you indicate and i am aware of the consequences.
I have downloaded the driver file you linked and replaced with the file located in the usb_driver folder as instructed in sony's site procedure to unlock the boot loader. I have followed all the steps reported there, until the point i got stuck.
Hi. I need to unlock network on my phone. I have my code from Vodafone. But it's not working. I can't insert it anymore. And also i can't unlock bootloader too.
Rooting status:
Bootloader unlock allowed: No
But i'm going abroad and i need my phone there. What i have to do? How i can unlock my phone?