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I had the same, i got a replaceemnt with 14 days but this did the same,
I didnt notice it stop charging but it definately started to pull out, it was just the same with the replacement but i watched it carefully and just stopped using it when i could see it starting to move.
I phoned again but i was now out of 14 days and had to go through lengthy repair process.
I decided just use the cable instead, whcih would have been fine except i had battery issue where Google play services ripped trhough my battery in about 1/2 day as i had to keep removin the case to charge (infact its attached to the cable most of the day just so that the screen doesnt dim and wifi turn off) - but anyway at one of these times (no case , charging) it slipped off sofa as i got up and cracked back screen.
slighly off topic sorry , but i must be teh luckiest person and have these issue combine and make things **bleep**ter for me
im going to rasie a complaint to sony, i dont know what i want as no other phone seems to fit my needs , why the **bleep** that make this out of cheap materials.
In answer to your question, i wouldnt trust it in water if part of build has come apart it must be sealed somewhere and its probably broken (if it was mine it would be !)
Hello Gandyxperia..
I'm running with the same issue as you..
This is the third time that I'm going to send my phone back to sony to be repaired. If you still have warranty I recommend to do the same. I figthing with sony to get my money back because this is clearly a desing deffect of the phone but Sony said that they only refund in the first 14 days after the purchase. so basically they told me that the only thing they can do is to repair my phone until the warranty expire so after that I'm on my own. So imagine my frustration. My only hope is that after a lot of request from me and other customers they finally asume their mistake and do something for their customer because without us they are nothing. If some ask me right now about Sony my answer will not be something nice, especially becuase I feel stolen and betrayed... it is a really shame, I do not know who is in charge of the CustomerCare department but everything point to the fact that he don't care.
I do not even know if we are going to make any difference but I felt that I had to do something.
Hope is the last thing that you can lose.
Thank you
If either of the last 2 posters is in the UK, don't take any of that insurance vs warranty and 14 days nonsense.
Google up the sale of goods act and explain it to the shop, it is better than a warranty it has legal force.