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Although the new Xperia Chinese keyboard in ICS is much better than before, It's still hard to input punctuation...
So I install Swype Beta again.
After this, I found that I can't uncheck the default keyboard?!
Is there any way to disable the default Xperia keyboard?
Why do you want to disable?
Select Swype Beta as the default input, when asked.
Just want to know, why can not do this...
The " Xperia Japanese Keyboard" is unchecked in default.
After check is to enable, I can't uncheck it anymore...
are u rooted, if yes then use titanium/sdmaid to uninstall uselesskeyboards. if not then try clicking on the adjacent icons to the keyboards to see if there are any disabling options.
No, not rooted.
And can't find anything about this...
in default u can change to any other keyboard as your default keyboard.
I know that I can set deafult keyboard, but I want to disable unuesd keyboard.
Did you try doing it with settings>All apps>disable? If not working like that too then i guess you cant at least not without root access.
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The "Xperia Chinese Keyboard" and "Xperia Keyboard" can't be disable.
THe disable button was been deactived...
yups tough luck then.
Please mark Correct and Helpful answers and you can also visit my blog at:arnabghosal1989's Blog