Hacking Symbian S60V5 phones

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Hacking Symbian S60V5 phones

Hi Guys,

I have read from several sites that most (if not all) of the apps that are available through OVI can be installed on any Sony Ericsson phone that runs on a Symbian OS. Ofcourse, this will be a great if it would not involve hacking your phone. We all know that hacking can cause serious problem if it's not done properly and I guess that will also void your warranty. Anyway, has anyone tried to hack their phone recently? I am just curious as to how the phone behave after it was hacked. I would like to know any positive and negatrive feedback about hacking...

Don't get me wrong, I am not encouraging you guys to hack your phone! I personally will not stake my phone just for some apps.

Well, hopefully Sony Ericsson can come up with some useful apps other than those available at Playnow.


As far as im aware speed etc doesnt change.

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i wont suggest you to use helloOX. because your warranty may be void.

the alternative is to resign every app you want to use. there are some tutorials you can just find by googleing it.

therefore you dont need to hack the phone. this is only needed, if you want to do something wich gets deep into the OS-System. The Nokia VPN Client, for example.

Or the hacks wich are out for the Satio (Vivaz Homescreen Enabler and so on). For this you need helloOX.

"Ordinary" Apps dont need this.

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Some apps still need hacking. Like Nokia Facebook widget, and a few more that I don't remember right now. And some one has modified the SlideIT keyboard and it can be installed by signing. And I had got the Nokia Ovi Maps application working on my phone by signing(way too better than the preinstalled SatNav app, Stupid Pilot).I haven't hakced my phone, and I don't really regret, but I really liked to have the Vivaz HS and the camera developement mods.

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Hi Guys, Thank you so much for all your feedback. I guess my next question is, what 3rd party app(s) would you recommend to install on a Symbian phone? I know that this may be a dumb question, would you have an easy-to-learn way of installing by signing them?