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FM radio play only thru earphone not Speaker
- earphone still plug for all time when i listen FM radio
- "OK Google" disabled
- Stamina disabled
- I am not in private sound mode
(Android 5 lollipop)
Sometime when i receive message or hangouts FM radio speeker going to mute.
When switch to earphone it working. Only speaker not work. (volume is ok)
Sometime help switch to earphone and back to speaker.
Sometime help switch off/on FM radio.
But most times i have to restart Z3C.
Looks like bug.
During the weekend i made factory reset. It helps only for few days. And now is bug back.
What your experience with FM radio play over speekers. It working?
Does stopping or Clear Data on the Smart Connect app help?
I used to have the opposite issue on a Z1Compact - i.e. would not switch to Earphone when plugged in and would carry on playing on speaker. Clearing Smart Connect data usually fixed it.
Thank you.
In Smart Connect no any active task.
OK google disabled
Factory reset does not help
Last version 5.0.2 - 23.1.A.1.28 not help.
Still loks same.
After soft reset i can play FM radio over speeker,
when somebody call me, or i receive message speaker stop working.
From this play only over Earphone.
I have to soft reset for fix.