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Hey everyone,
For those wanting to root their D6616 without losing anything (especially our precious DRM keys for full camera functionality), here is the XDA post with detailed instructions:
So, now that we can backup the TA partition with the DRM keys, can we use custom ROM's with full camera functionality after restoreing the keys? Has anyone done this yet?
Thanks y'all,
Thanks komilAD, I figured that if there was a tutorial on a rooted Z3 with a backed up DRM partition, etc. then it would include unlocking the bootloader, etc. or at least a link to how to do this without losing the keys.
Thanks again for the info.
According to this site with instructions on checking this, my bootloader is locked:
I would assume that there is a way to unlock this, either from Sony support or via XDA?
Ah, I get what you're saying. In order for the DRM keys to be used, an approved ROM has to be used which will relock the device and use the keys provided. Thus, what you're saying is that custom ROM's can't use the DRM keys, correct?
Understood, thanks for the clarification.
I wonder how bad the camera is after unlocking the bootloader. Is it really that bad or just something annoying but is tolerable?
Looking just now, I did find this XDA thread: