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I have a problem with Wifi-connection after i connected my phone(Sony Xperia Z) with my computer.
I try to use transfer media wirelessly between my Xperia and PC. After i conneted my phone and my PC via USB.
On my PC I try to right click on (Xperia Z) and select (Network configuration) then i waited for a few minutes the program was crash.
I've tried for a couple time. Then i unplug the USB and try to connect to the internet via Wifi i cant go to the login page.
The google chrome say " This is typically caused by network issues, but can also be the result of misconfigured firewall or proxy server "
I use another phone to access the login page and it does. So what should i do with my Xperia ?
I don't understand one part please explain this
@Nomadz wrote:.. Then i unplug the USB and try to connect to the internet via Wifi i cant go to the login page...
are you trying to tether your phone's connection or are you trying to "reverse tethering" which means using your computer's internet access with your xperia? if the later, it can't be done, you need to root your phone and download reverse tethering, but do explain your issue(s)
yes i try to use my computer's internet access with my xperia.
Then i unplug the USB and try to connect to the internet via Wifi i cant go to the login page.. i mean after i unplug my xperia from my PC i try to use my xperia access the login page but i cant. (Before i plug in my xperia and my PC.. my xperia can access to the login page but after the program crash i cant )
How to root my phone and download reverse tethering ?? If i root my data will lost ?
It won't work, tethering only works by sharing your data connection through WiFi, bluetooth or usb. if you want to share your computer's internet connection you will have to
1. root your phone
2. use a reverse tethering app
on your phone go to
settings > about phone > which android version and build number do you have?
Thank you so much
I realy appriciated your help.