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can anyone help me please!!!!!!


can anyone help me please!!!!!!

im just root ny z2, after i turn on the phone it says that the rooting prosses failed, then i got load of error message. i cant open some app, and my mobile network just not working. and it frose when i tried to reboot / turn off. what should i do? i tired this attempt 1. Download the PC Companion software from and install it on your PC. 2. Install and open PC Companion then select Support Zone. 3. Phone Software Update. 4. Start. 5. Repair Phone 6. Continue 7. Accept data removal 8. Next 9. Wait for prepare 10. Select Phone 11. Follow the connection steps but wheni clik the phone software update > repair my phone/tablet, it says " Problem : There is no software available for your device, Details: Sony update engine doesnt have software available for your device, Troubleshoot: Please try again later. can someone help me please????

well now i have a bigger problem, my z2 is restarting everytime i turn it on. what should i do?

We already told you what to do multiple times, and you keep creating new threads for your problem. Just try solutions given to you already before asking for new ones.