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Call alternating between earpiece and loudspeaker


Call alternating between earpiece and loudspeaker

I have a Sony Z1The last few days when i answer a call I will start the call using the ear speaker (phone held to ear) however after a while the phone begins to alternate between the ear speaker and the loudspeaker and eventually after about 15 seconds i just have to end the call.  I don't know if it was an app update on the phone or my SW3 update that is causing the issue.

I have tried clearing a few apps but that does not seem to have helped.

Now not sure if linked but i have a new set of Sony Bluetooth earphones also that sometimes starts and stops when playing music.  I thought it might have beenthe earphone battery going flat but it was doing it also when fully charged.

Anyone had similar?  I have seen the post where calls go directly to loudspeaker but i thought this was different.


Sounds very you mention Apps, try running your phone in Safe Mode for a bit, then test to see if the problem still occurs........Safe Mode will determine if a 3rd Party App could be interfering with the running of your below :smileysmileywink:


I had it on safe mode for a few days and my phone worked fine. However I could not determine what app it was. Since turning off safe mode the problem has happened once.

@ScottMcS wrote:
I had it on safe mode for a few days and my phone worked fine. However I could not determine what app it was. Since turning off safe mode the problem has happened once.

Keep an eye on it, if the problem increases in frequency then keep a note of what 3rd party apps you have & disable one at a time & run your phone normally, bit time consuming depending on how many you have but i'm sure you will agree worth the effort :smileysmileywink:

Try to think back on what was the last App you downloaded & work backwards from that........good luck 


I had the issue the other day.  I cleared the phone cache and the problem went away.  So it must be the memory.  Although the phone worked fine through vehicle bluetooth before i cleared the cache.  So next time i get the problem i will try clearing the cache to double check that is the cause.


Started to happen again today however the cache was empty. This time however the call alternated between all the options (earpiece, speaker and headphones). I conducted a factory reset and it still occurred. I am now stuck for answers.
Another issue I am getting at the same time is my wifi disconnects and says ' temporarily avoiding poor signal ' when the signal in the wifi section shows full wifi signal?


I had been getting notifications in the notification bar that 'Smart Connect' had headset connected when there was definetly no headset connected.  During a call it was again alternating between the different options of earpiece, headset and bluetooth.  I subsequently uninstalled allupdates for Smart connect, but i still had call issues.  I have now disabled smart connect and will wait to see if this solves the issue.  I am now hopeful that this is the problem.  Next would be to find out if it is a software or hardware issue.