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Lollipop made my Xperia z3 compact worse. When my Phone is fully charged the battery is dead after 8 10 hours. Even with the stamina mode on at 100%. Charging the battery takes 3 hours. With kitkat it was less than an hour. And my Phone whas on for at least 2 days. Now i have to recharge 2 times a Day. I made a factory reset, install lollipop again with bridge.
Kitkat is so much better. Thank you Android for my Phone, Thank you Sony for giving us an update that decrease the Phone en not Letting me downgrade to kitkat. When i search on the internet for this problem, i see im not the only one.
I'm glad to hear that
Since I installed Lollipop, if I try to charge using micro-USB cable connected to a PC, it takes 6-7 hours !
Very disappointing charge times.
That's normal, you have to check the voltage output on the USB port. also it will always take a LOT longer to charge a phone through a computer. again, that's normal
Hi guys,
do U have some idea about battery calculation method in Lollipop? Is slightly different from kitkat, or something is with my phone. The Android Operating system and Messenger is the biggest consumer under lollipop, thus these were some % before. Currently Screen is 8% (40 minutes on), AOS is 13% Messenger is 26%. I'm running on .726 via OTA (before I've updated via PCC for .690 and done factory reset after..) Any idea? Thanks