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Lollipop made my Xperia z3 compact worse. When my Phone is fully charged the battery is dead after 8 10 hours. Even with the stamina mode on at 100%. Charging the battery takes 3 hours. With kitkat it was less than an hour. And my Phone whas on for at least 2 days. Now i have to recharge 2 times a Day. I made a factory reset, install lollipop again with bridge.
Kitkat is so much better. Thank you Android for my Phone, Thank you Sony for giving us an update that decrease the Phone en not Letting me downgrade to kitkat. When i search on the internet for this problem, i see im not the only one.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It sounds like you have something using alot of battery installed. It may perhaps be an app that's not fully compatible with Lollipop.
Have you checked Settings -> Power management -> Battery usage to see what's using the battery? It's best to check this menu when battery level starts to get low to get good statistics.
But it's not possible to charge the battery from 0 to 100% in 1h. As uliwooly says, it takes longer (2.4h if you don't have anything using power while charging)
Stamina will not enable itself when you have a charger connected so Stamina will not have any effect on charging.
If i were you I would reinstall lollipop with PCC
Bridge (for Mac)
Alternatives on How to backup Xperias
Cell standby is battery used for communicating with the mobile network. When you're not using the phone, it's normal for this to be one of the apps using most battery. But make sure to check the battery usage menu when battery level starts to get low. It's shows usage since the last charge, not current usage.
But if you can't see apps causing it, try holding the yellow button next to the SIM-cards for a few seconds and then let it charge the battery full and see if that helps.
Keep us updated.
Does it matter if my on screen battery indicator shows 48% charge, and when I hit the button next to the sim card and connected my charger, it read 73% charge?