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Xperia X Compact Low Notification Tone


Xperia X Compact Low Notification Tone

Has anyone been having issues with the notification tone on their X Compact? The volume is maxed on my device yet the ringtone, notification tone and alarm are almost silent. I can hear them when I hold my device close, however they are too quiet to hear in normal circumstances. The ear speaker seems to be working fine as in call volume is normal and there is no issue with that. I depend on my phone alarm so this is causing big problems for me at the moment. I'm not exactly tech savvy but a couple of friends are confident this is a software not a hardware issue. The last update was July 8th so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it. It was working fine a few days ago so I can't see how it could be that either. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. 


I have exactly the same problem. Ringtone sound is very silent, even if maxed in settings. Sometimes it starts normally, and then after second it is getting silent. What is wrong with this phone? I think it is one of these bugs which they add to update to force you to buy new phone.