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Xperia X, Bought From Amazon UK, Warranty Cover From Amazon, Doesn't Show IMEI On Proof Of Purchase


Xperia X, Bought From Amazon UK, Warranty Cover From Amazon, Doesn't Show IMEI On Proof Of Purchase

Hi there,

I'm setting up this phone for mum (though I've registered her name/email, etc on her behalf). Im in the UK, and this was purchased from Amazon UK. We have Two Years' Warranty in this country.

I've had a bit of a nightmare with a ZTE phone and an ebay seller, so my patience is a bit short.

I contacted Support via my Xperia X phone, asking why the Warranty Date currently says November 2019 - it was only purchased from Amazon a few days ago!

I was told that my country's Warranty starts whenever I provide my proof of purchase. Great. But, it must show the IMEI number on the receipt. As you no doubt know, Amazon don't mention the IMEI anywhere when you purchase a phone from them!!

Told the customer service representative that this is a bit silly - I can easily prove it's from Amazon - the box even has Amazon stickers with stock numbers all over it!!

Does this mean I don't get the full Two Years' Warranty? With all the messing around I've had with mobile phones (and it took me hours updating this to Oreo) I feel like putting it in its box and returning it!!


First: don't panic

When you try the support app, restart the device, still the same warranty date?


When you just purchased it from Amazon I'm sure Sony will grant you a 2 year warranty even though maybe f some hurdles have to be taken.

Did Amazon send you a brand new device or a device that was rejected by another customer.

What about returning the device to Amazon with the complaint about the warranty date?


When I was in the Support app, it already quoted my IMEI and told me how long the warranty is, as pictured below.

Don't think I can state my IMEI on here, but it says "Warranty valid until 21/11/2019" - it was only purchased a few days ago from Amazon.

As mentioned, UK Warranty is for two years - so that only leaves around one year and three months on the Warranty.
Does this mean it's been registered already? Or is it going by some "factory date"?

The Customer Service Rep was a bit short with me and insisted I wouldn't be covered by any Warranty without the IMEI clearly shown, so I'm not sure whether to keep this. I got a bit annoyed, to be honest.

I do understand your annoyance

You're quite right.

The problem is Amazon, they should take care.

The solution might be Sony, they might be able to help you with a new end of warranty date.

Send a link of this conversation to Amazon and ask them what steps you should take.