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X peria fools around after mobile network connection


X peria fools around after mobile network connection

concerns Sony Xperia X IMEI --, Android 8, devices adaptation

I have had problems with the above mentioned device for several weeks.
Everything works fine in Wlan mode. However, as soon as the device is connected to the mobile network everything gets mixed up.

Apps like the calendar open automatically, the views change.
fast back and forth. The phone app does the same and usually dials fantasy numbers on its own, but also numbers from contacts.
You can no longer control what is happening, the device does not react in any way to inputs on the display, you have to switch it off. It may be that it has returned to normal after restarting, but mostly only for a few minutes, then it starts again.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

-personal information removed-


Maybe you have a screen protector interfering with your gestures and taps?

Does it happen in safe mode?

Do you have glove mode activated?