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X Performance: Don't get calls after goes sleep mode


X Performance: Don't get calls after goes sleep mode

I have trouble recieving calls after may be like 10 minutes phone goes sleep. When someone calls me it goes to the voice mail. But I can take calls anytime. Soon after I take calls I can then recieve calls. This happnes after about 10 minutes when it goes sleep.

I've chaked the following so far;
- I change the sim card for new one thinking its a sim card failier, looks like its not

- Call forwading is disable

- Allow calls from anyone

- Reset the phone to factry data

Nothing helpful so far

Does anyone have the same issue? 
Can anyone help me out?



Maybe it's a third party app acting up, just test the phone in >>> safe mode 


Thank you for the help @uliwooly. I was also though it might be one of the app causing the problem but didnt know what to do. So I go safemode, it works well. Now the problem is to find which app causing the problem. 
When safemode active following 5 apps are not runing since they install in SD card I guess. 
They are: Massenger, Viber, VLC Player, SpotHero (a parking app) and Waze.

Is it one of those or something else. And How do I find which app is causing this problem?

Thank you so much for your help.


this is what I would do

Open the app drawer > menu > sort apps > by date 

by doing this, you won't have to guess which app it's causing this, most likely it was a recent update or a recently installed app. 

Uninstall the latest app and see if the issue(s) stop, if not, then continue uninstalling apps one by one. 


@uIiwooly  think I havent catch the problem well, sorry. The problem is still there even in the safe mode..... Slightly_frowning_Face 

Should I reset again?