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Why do I have 3 numbers sent directly to diverting do not find how to delete it


Why do I have 3 numbers sent directly to diverting do not find how to delete it

Varför har jag 3 nr som skickas direkt till vidarenoppling hittar inte hur jag tar bort det

Why do I have 3 numbers sent directly to diverting do not find how to delete it



You're asking a question and you would like to receive an answer.

Here are some tips to get your question answered.

- This is an international forum which uses the English language for communication. Please ask your question in English.

- You can translate your question to English by using

- Ask your question clearly and explain your situation on a few lines.

- Asking questions in shorthand will not result in a good answer.

- Do NOT ask questions like:

- no sound

- bad wifi

- no bluetooth connection

There are a lot of visitors here on this forum who are willing to help you.

Help them by asking your question in a way that describes your problem clearly and write in English.


Sounds like the question might have to do with numbers that have been (unintentionally) blocked?

Contacts -> (menu) Settings -> Block Numbers
Remove numbers that you do not wish to have blocked (diverted).

Låter som att frågan kan ha att göra med nummer som blivit oavsiktligt blockerade?
Kontakter -> (meny) Inställningar -> Blocknummer
Ta bort nummer som du inte vill ha blockerat (vidarekopplat).