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Typing issue


Typing issue

I am having an issue with my Sony Xperia X. For the last couple of weeks it will intermittently type a symbol instead of a letter. This happens completely at random, sometimes every letter for a few letters, sometimes ok for a few words and everything inbetween. It is almost like the shift button is being pressed. This also means that when I come to delete an incorrect letter that sometimes it deletes all of the word I have just spent the last few minutes trying to type!!

I thought maybe the tempered glass screen protector I have had fitted for several months may have been causing an issue so I removed it but this has made no difference. I have also just completed an update but still no joy........any ideas?? Its getting beyond just being annoying now!!


@Brickie let's start with a test, can you please trying using a different keyboard? I suppose you are using SwiftKey... try installing gBoard and let me know if you still have the same issue. 

Do also this, go in settings, about phone, diagnostics, tests: Tap to "Touchscreen" - slowly slowly go in the area of the screen where the keyboard usually pop up and try to fill the entire screen, if during your swiping you see some extra pixel in different positions far from your finger then the issue is the touchscreen.


Having  similar issues  with texting and  not able  to  use swype texting anymore. Occasion it puts full  stops and extra  spaces  in.  

Tried the  diagnostic tests, clear  screen  and deleted keyboard data.  

Still  need help

Taking forever to write  


TV by ffs my cadaver at build read  grip 

This  message  should  read help