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SONY INDIA head office does not respond since last 3 week.


SONY INDIA head office does not respond since last 3 week.

SONY India Head Office does not take one simple decision from last 3 week for this work order W118092100307. Where can I escalate this issue at organization level?


poor after sales service is one of the biggest reason SONY is losing its market share in India.

i hope SONY officials could reach out a helping hand to you in such a situation.


Did you contact support through the support app?

On my device it gives me the choice to give thema ring, send an email or chat.

How is that on your device?

You should be able to ask them fora reaction on your reference #


Thanks for your reply.

But when you email, chat or call customer care they all are under Country wise Head office.

They just take your concern and forward to Head office or local area service manager.

They all don't have any rights. Even local area service manager doesn't have any rights for decision.

One decision was taken from 4 to 5 country level managers in the hierarchy. in my case I replaced my Xperia-x 3 times a year so I asked for another phone so they offer me XA1 Ultra but I denied that offer.

Again I asked for another phone they say me for XZS with the paid amount which is the difference between Xperia-x and Xperia-XZS. But that offer is denied by senior management. 

They give me Xperia-x again. in the whole scenario, it takes 1 month. 

Can you please let me know what is  "fora reaction"?

And Do you guys feeling Heating issue in Xperia-x?

fora should befor a

I mean

fora should be for a

My typing sometimes hangs and forgets spaces.