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Software update


Software update

I just recieved a replacement experia x as my battery stopped charging ... I have now set I up but it continuesly says I need to update software even after I have just done it... How can I stop this from happening thanks


Either you go through all those phases or you do a software repair with Xperia companion.

The software updates step by step until you reach the latest.

Xperia companion skips all and brings you to the latest software version at once.


Hi @Weebetty, welcome to our forum!

As @Strampke mentioned, when updating the device it will only apply one update at the time and since the Xperia X has received quite a lot of updates it may take a while for all of them to be installed.

Depending on how far you have come in setting up the device, you can continue on the same path as you have done so far and install one update at the time, or you can perform a software repair using Xperia Companion. The software repair will delete all data stored on the internal storage of the device and reinstall the latest available update directly.

I hope that explains how it works! Slightly_smiling_Face


Пришло уведомление о обновлении ПО 8.0, обновила. Уведомление появилось снова. И так несколько раз. Уведомление висит в строке состояния и никак его не убрать, хотя в настройках написано, что стоит новейшая версия, новее нет. Пробовала перезагружать телефон, не помогает. Что делать? 

The notification about software update 8.0 has come, has updated. The notification appeared again. And so several times. The notification hangs in the status bar and does not remove it, although the settings say it's the latest version, there's no newer. Tried to reboot the phone does not help. What to do?