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SIM not recognized since September security patch (few occurence)


SIM not recognized since September security patch (few occurence)

Since the last firmware I and another french user (two different service providers) had the SIM card being unrecognized randomly (not just after boot).

-My experience so far: arrived twice in a mounth. The first time just after the update and the second today. Solved with removal of the SIM and put it back but not with reboot. I haven't done a factory reset yet.

-The other person couldn't solved it for more than a day. Even after factory reste, reboot and removal of the SIM.

For both cases, it only happened after the last update.



Where you able to solve this issue? 


Nop. It happened again a few time the last week, but I will see now with the nov.'s update if it has changed.


I've been having the same issue more frequently over the last several weeks, though I don't recall exactly when it started. In my case if I reboot the phone it starts working fine again, but sometimes it is only several minutes since the last occurance before the SIM goes back to not being recognized. I've removed and reinserted the SIM, tried to blow out the slot for the SIM and SD card both with no resolution of the issue.

If anyone else has experienced this and has found a more perminant fix any insight would be appreciated.



Hi and hope this helps. 

I've been facing the same issue since the September, 2017 update where the phone ramdomly drops cellular connectivity. After months of "trial & error" attempts to fix the problem, I have discovered that the "data roaming" had been active. Turned that off and the problem went away (it has been a few days). The actions attempted were as follows:

- Reinstered SIM card

- Switched from "LTE only" to "GSM only" to "CDMA only" and then to all the other combinations

- Reduced the location accuracy mode

- Resetted "network settings"

- Tampered with the "access points"

All of which were to no avail. Didn't want to do a "Factory reset" which led me to go through ALL the menu options only to discover that the data roaming was enabled. Turned that off and now the phone has normal reception and operates like new.

PS. Had battery drainage issue which was fixed by turning off battery optimization, or "checking" all the apps to "not optimized"


Hi! I've got the same problem, I tried turning off the roaming option and it didn't work. Any other solution? Thanks