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Screen blacks out during calls


Screen blacks out during calls

I am completely stressed and fed up with this phone!! Every time I make a phone call the screen completely blacks out meaning I can't hang up, select a number on the dial pad or have on loudspeaker. I have tried: 

- sending it off the be fixed on insurance TWICE

- diagnostics test 

- Sony companion repair

- safe mode restart 

- taking the screen protecter off

And it stops happens every time I make a phone call. I'm done. The phone is about to go in the bin. Any advice or help or anything????! 


Hi @Hayl, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

When the phone have been sent to the authorize service centre twice, have they changed any parts in the phone or have they not been able to replicate this behaviour?

Based on all the troubleshooting you have already done, it does sound like this is related to hardware and not software, that is why I'm curious to what the service centre have done with your device.

Please make sure that there is no moisture or dirt on the proximity sensor and that is what is causing this behaviour.  The proximity sensor is placed just to the right of the Sony logo at the top of your device, (number 6 on the link). Try cleaning this part of the screen with a clean cloth and make a phone call and see if the screen goes dark and doesn't light up when you take it away from your ear.

Let me know how it went!


I am having the same issues. Have done software updates, factory resets mutiple times, tried the proximity sensor tests and still the same problems. I am with you Hayly thinking of throwing it it the bin even though have only had it since October 2017


Hi @Kimbi, very sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

If you have confirmed that the sensor is not covered by for example, a screen protector, your device will need to be examined at an authorized service centre.

Your Local support team will assist you further with this and arrange a repair for you, or inform you of the location a service centre in your area. Should you have any questions regarding warranty, consumer laws and local service routines, they are the experts on your market and will be able to provide you with a more detailed answer than I can.