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red light stays on


red light stays on

Yes I have used the search.  Yes I see several other posts that say that it is the proximity sensor / adaptive brightness sensor.  Yes I understand this -

My issue is this light wasn't there yesterday, last week, last month, the last 5 months I've owned this phone.  I refuse to believe that the only way a sensor on a phone in 2017 can work is by the emitter light being visible 24/7.

I also understand there are lots of massive Sony fans here willing to say it's just how it is, and should be.  But really?  How come my phones proximity sensors, and adaptive brightness both worked fine then all of a sudden they need a visible light.

Has anyone got a realistic answer to this, because there's something fishy about the "solutions" being offered.

Sorry for any hostile tone but I had a perfectly excellent working z series that was killed by a Sony update, and I had to pay an arm and a leg for this phone, now I'm starting to regret it as I've had repeated varying issues, and this just screams like a tiny red warning light (if you'll pardon the pun)

Thank you



I read your post but I still can't figure out what's your issue exactly if you are saying that your proximity and ambient light sensors are working fine. Could you please elaborate more?


The issue is that there is no reason for the light, so why is it on continuously.

The sensors appear to work correctly, however there is a dim red light that everyone says is the sensors themselves (I guess it's a combination sensor).  The dim red light never turns off regardless of the phone status (obviously if I power down the phone it turns off). 

If I'm on a call the light is on,

If I have the screen on, but I'm not doing anything with the phone, the light is on,

If the phone is charging on standby, the light is on

If the phone is resting on standby, the light is on,

If the phone is unplugged on standby, the light is on,

The screen can be totally black with nothing happening, but still the light is on,

If the phone is anything other than powered off, the light is on.

The light was never on before, now it is on always.  The other answers in this forum indicate that this just indicates the sensors are working correctly.  I just don't understand why the light has to be on for the sensors to work.  It wasn't on a few weeks ago, but yet the sensors worked then too.  Obviously something has changed to turn this light on.  It is a nuisance, and visible at night.  It obviously doesn't have to be on for the sensors to work, so why is it on.  Is something turning it on in error, or is it just the result of sloppy programming in the last update?

Hopefully that makes it clearer.


Hi @phattyphatty, Welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear about this Slightly_frowning_Face 

Do you experience the same thing when your phone is in safe mode?



I'm not sure how to put the phone into safe mode.

Also, I don't know if this is related (I'm assuming it is) but starting last night, when I'm on a call (outgoing, or incoming) the ear proximity doesn't appear to work, as by the time I'm finished on the phone there are a bunch of random windows open as my ear is pressing buttons while I talk.  Then I can't hang up because the phone window is buried 5 or 6 panes deep.  I ran the diagnostic, and it said the auto dimming sensor, and the ear proximity sensor no longer work.  What I find suprising is that after failing the diagnostic test, I would have thought that it would offer some suggestions for possible solutions, but nope.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have.




Click the link here >>> safe mode.



Thank you.  I was able to boot in safe mode (the link worked great)

however the sensors still don't work, and light is on still.



If the issue remains the same in safe mode then I recommend you perform a software repair using Xperia Companion



I did the software repair a few days ago.  All it achieved was wiping out recent text history and a bunch of random contacts (and yes I did a back up and restore).

The issue of my ear "pushing buttons" while I make a call has become much worse since too.  I pretty much can't hang up any call without closing 6 to 10 windows.  It's a little embarasing to have to ask everyone I call if they could hang up first as my phone has issues.

Any other suggestions?


As I finished the previous message, I see there is a new update just released.  Maybe it'll fix things - fingers crossed I'll post an update when it's done