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Problems with new Oreo update


Problems with new Oreo update

Hi all,

So I've pottered along decently happily until the last update for the Xperia X. Have had some battery drain issues for a few weeks before this last update, which I just hoped they would fix. This last update has made my phone a misery to use, notable issues being:

- The email default app is currently a misery to use, can't actually view half of my emails at the moment (even ones that I could before the update), as it's claiming that they may be too big to load (text based emails, that is).

- Not really a problem, but the new emojis are a real downgrade, IMHO 

- My autocorrect is going through some kind of crisis, or maybe its my keyboard? Seems to be registering taps I'm not making, adding an 'm' when I use a comma, a 'u'/'i'/'t' instead of putting a space, 'a' instead of a full stop (but it likes to change this up occasionally, with lots of other shiny letters). Won't let me select a prediction and some other issues, like not automatically putting what it predicts when I hit spacebar/capitalising I. Sometimes if I select a prediction, it tags some of it onto the end of what I've already typed, making some interesting new words that would make the oxford dictionary swoon. This is inconsistent, though. But so frustrating. It's taking a long time to type this. 

- My battery life is woeful, poor thing is coughing and spluttering and crawling it's way to an early replacement. Very frustrating since it was fine before Oreo, I'd say.

- Would be cool if the bottom bar wasn't there all the time and went back to being a swipe up deal. But that's something I can live with. I also have an outer circle around the dot? Is that normal? Wasn't there before.

- Notifications on my Facebook apps in particular don't work. They're gone in the pull down bar, but they stick around on the corner of the app icon, which just irritates me. After reinstalling them, I now don't get any notification icons on the corner of the app icon at all, but w/e, there are worse things happening here. 

Have restarted and whatnot, deleted and reinstalled a few apps... Sony has made some heinous UI decisions too, in my opinion, particularly when it comes to deleting apps, and notification settings on the pull down.

I have loved this phone, recommended it to people in the past, and been so happy with it until the last few updates. But at this point, these problems are so severe that I'd get a different brand if I replaced it, as I didn't really have severe issues like this with my iPhone or Samsung. Notably, Sony support seems a bit sparse on this forum too, from what I've seen. 

Anyway, at very least I'd like to be able to type at more than a few words a minute, have some semblance of a battery and to look at my emails. Anyone else suffering?

Thanks guys, happy trails, 



Sounds like you have a combination of things. 

For general phone sluggishness and battery stuff, it might be worth doing a back-up, reset and restore. 

I use GBoard and it works the same as before... not sure what would have happened. 

As for the nav bar and settings organisation etc, these are an Android Oreo thing more than Sony. So before you go jumping ship, might be worth seeing how you like Oreo on other phones...


I'll have a go at the restore thing! Bit apprehensive as I havent done one before and it'll be just my luck to lose everything haha

I can live with the UI stuff I just find it a bit of a shame, seems like I was a bit hasty to blame Sony there though! Gonna mainly put that down to this typing thing, it's genuinely so frustrating, I don't understand. Spend more time correcting than typing...

Thank you! 


My pleasure. 

I never did get along with SwiftKey.

If you use Xperia back up and Google should back up a lot too.

OnePlus says: never settle

Oreo says: let me settle


Battery life is poor 


My back is a bit achy....

... but without details and more info diagnosis is guesswork 😉

Thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face 


Sony xperia x dual battery drain problem & Mobil over hit