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problem in using skype in xperia x with oreo update


problem in using skype in xperia x with oreo update

while using skype in my xperia x , it use to lag continuosly.And i'm using the phone in android oreo. 

experts says that to ckeck skype in safe mode all the time. The fact is that i'm not supposed to use my phone in safe mode always. So we are expecting a software fix for that. We need something which values for money,  and please don't make people to lose their trust in Xperia.


How is your WiFi connection?

Does it happen on other phones too?

In Safe Mode you cannot use other apps than system apps.

Besides, people are complaining about skype on playstore.

Could it be that your skype version is lagging?

Or maybe this site can bring some relief.

Be curious and find out.


Is it only the Skype app or others as well?

As @Strampke already pointed out, Skype is not the kind of app to be taken as a standard.

Have you tested Skype on any other phone as well, preferably Oreo with relatively similar specs?

Have you tried clearing Skype cache, and maybe even data?